Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April 25, 2006 Meeting Notes - General Meeting

The meeting started off with the regular items; Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.

Then it was time to adopt the agenda. I made a motion to amend the agenda to include a separate vote on the new committee members. According to the rules adopted last week:

3.10 - The Board, as the first order of business at the recessed meeting of the Organization Meeting shall approve all committee members by a majority vote of those present.

So, we had to approve the members of committees at this meeting. However, the vote to approve the members of the committees was not part of the published agenda, however:

8.7 - All items not appearing on the written Agenda or not delivered with the Agenda shall be out of order and shall not be considered by the Board at the particular meeting.

So, we are stuck with 2 rules that contradict one another. The first that we need to approve committees, the second that we cannot vote on approval because it is not an agenda item. We do have a 'catch all' in the rules for this, it is:

13.1 - Any of the Rules may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the members present, except Rules Number 3.8, 7.5, 11.0-11.5, 12.7, 13.1 which are not suspendable.

Therefore, to make sure all the ducks are in a row, we should have suspended the rules for the agenda and put the vote on the agenda. Chairman Abrecht indicated that the vote for the approval of the Committee on Committees' recommendation on membership would come out under his County Board Chairman's Report. Nowhere in the rules does it say that you can bring forward an item for voting during committee or chair reports.

If so, what is the point of resolutions? What is the point of committee work? The chair of any committee could bring any resolution to a vote, just by putting it into their report. The chair would have the power and right to bring any vote before the board.

My point is that rules matter. Process matters. It is through the process and rules that we make sure that the board business is done in a fair, open and honest matter. I do not believe that happened tonight.

I wanted to start a discussion on committee assignment. I believe the process was not open enough. I asked Chairman Albrecht to schedule the Committee on Committees meeting at a time that I could attend. It was not. I understand, I have to work during the day, and the members of the committee do not. However, I believe the meeting of the committee that decides the make-up of the board for the next 2 years should be as open as possible, not just for me, but for the rest of the supervisors, the general public and the media.

I also requested the minutes of the meeting. I asked them to be emailed to me in a timeframe that would make it possible to review before the meeting. I hoped that they would include some detail on the 'whys' of selection and appointment. The minutes were on our desks as we showed up for the meeting tonight. (Here they are: page 1 & page 2). They are pretty vague about the 'whys' of selection. This is the entire statement:

After discussions and comments, the committee made the following appointments:

This is, in my opinion, unacceptable. If you look at committee assignments, some supervisors received appointments to 4 committees, some received appointments to just one, and in at least one case a supervisor received no committee appointment. I think that the members of the board, as well as the citizens of Winnebago County deserve to know why elected officials are appointed.

Also, according to the rules:

5.4 The Chair shall act as ex officio member of all committees of the county board and, as ex officio committee member, shall have the power to vote in such committee only in the absence of one or more committee members. The Chair may delegate this power to the Vice-Chair.

The Chair is, by rules, a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee as well as the Legislative Committee. I take the above to mean that Chairman Albrecht is then a member of all other committees and cannot be appointed, as the Committee on Committes did appoint him to the Highway Committee.

The reason for rules and minutes is so that questions like this will not lead people to think that favoritism or 'old-boys network' thinking went on. This is why I tried to change the agenda. I wanted to make sure we were operating within the rules, as well as making sure that the Committee on Committees was accountable for their decisions. Unfortunately, my motion was talked down by Chairman Albrecht.

I am neither comfortable with the results of the committee appointments or the process in which they were made. If we do not keep to our own rules and make sure that the process is as open as possible, the stories in the local papers and other media about the board will not get any better.

18.3 - Any decision of any Standing Committee may be appealed to the Board by any Supervisor at any regular or special Board meeting.

I was going to use this rule to discuss the appointments, however it went pretty quick and I was not called on before the board. I will be bringing my concerns about the rules to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee for a rules change to clarify this process in the future.

As for the resolutions we voted on during the evening, I have these comments:

County Highway FF - I believe that we need to fix dangerous intersections. It seemed to me that the people that were mentioned all thought that the intersection was dangerous, they were just not willing to pay the money. I used to check fields for Green Giant in college. I drove 200 miles a day on country roads, I understand the danger of these roads. That is why I supported this spending.

Airport Lease - Yes, $550 a year is very inexpensive for renting this land. I was going to ask the question Supervisor Weber did - Is this normal? Turns out that it is. Also, if you read the lease, the hangar that will be built on this land will become the property of Winnebago County at the end of the lease. That is why I supported this.

TRACS - I think this system sounds exciting. It saves time by not requiring multiple data entry and form forms to be filled out. It will save money in efficiency, and protect our officers by allowing them off the side of the road quicker.

Soliciting - I can see the point of wanting to keep the board members on the same page, however as I said at the meeting - we represent our constituents not the interests of the committees. We need to have the flexibility to research, and hopefully our board members will be mature enough not to abuse.

As always, please contact me at any time with questions or suggestions.

April 25, 2006 Meeting Notes - New Supervisor Orientation

The meeting started out with a training for new County Board members. In case anyone is curious about how we get paid (it isn't much), we get $40 for any board, committee or other meeting under 4 hours long. For a meeting that goes over 4 hours or a meeting of the entire board, we get $60. The most that we can receive for any day is $60. So, if you have multiple meetings on the same day, you cannot get more pay.

We can claim mileage for travel to meetings at $.445 per mile. If we are traveling for county board business, we can get reimbursement for meals and hotels. Odd rule - we can only tip 15% and be reimbursed, if we tip more, we will not get the difference. Winnebago County will not reimburse for alcohol, so if you have a glass of wine with dinner, you can get dinner reimbursed, but not wine.

We are allowed to sign up for Winnebago County's group health and dental insurance plan, but we are to pay the full amount. We are also allowed to invest county board pay in the county's investment plan.

Payday is the 15th for board pay and can be direct deposited, expense reimbursement is by check only and is separate.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Committee Assignments - Update with Chairs/Vice/Secretaries

They came out in a document I recieved yesterday. The Committee on Committees met Thursday at 10:am, I could not attend because I was at work. I will be requesting the minutes.

Sorted by Committee:
Arlene Schmuhl - Sec
Kathy Lennon - Chair
Kenneth Anderson
Shiloh Ramos
Stan Kline - Vice

Bernard Egan
David Albrecht - Chair
Donald Greisbach
Jeanette Diakoff
John Schaidler

Emergency Management
Bill Wingren - Vice
Donald Greisbach - Chair
Harvey Rengsdorf
Patrick O'Brien
Thomas Ellis - Sec

Facilities and Property
Bernard Egan - Chair
Bill Wingren
Chuck Farrey - Sec
Donald Greisbach - Vice
James Koziczkowski

Bernard Egan - Vice
David Albrecht
Joanne Sievert - Sec
Kenneth Robl - Chair
Robert Warnke

Information Systems
Alfred Jacobson
Bill Pollnow - Sec
Jef Hall - Vice
John Schaidler
Patrick Brennand - Chair

Judicial & Public Safety
Bill Wingren - Sec
Donald Greisbach - Vice
Harvey Rengstorf - Chair
Patrick O'Brien
Thomas Ellis

Land Conservation
Chuck Farrey - Vice
Donna Lohry - Sec
Joseph Maehl
Nancy Barker - Chair
Robert Warnke

Parks & Recreation
Arlene Schmuhl - Sec
James Lauson - Chair
Jerold Finch
Joe Hotynski
Steven Arne - Vice

Alfred Jacobson - Sec
Bill Wingren
Forrest Weber
Steve Arne - Chair
Thomas Widener - Vice

Personnel & Finance
David Albrecht
Jeanette Diakoff - Sec
Joe Hotynski - Vice
John Schaidler
Stan Kline - Chair

Planning & Zoning
Claud Thompson - Vice
Jeanette Diakoff
Joanne Sievert
John Schaidler - Chair
Patrick Brennand - Sec

Ben Farrell - Sec
Forrest Weber - Vice
Jerry Finch - Chair
Paul Eisen
Susan Locke

University of Wisconsin Extension
Barb Spanbauer - Sec
Joseph Maehl - Chair
Nancy Barker - Vice
Paul Eisen
Susan Locke

And sorted by Supervisor:
Alfred Jacobson
Information Systems

Arlene Schmuhl
Parks & Recreation

Barb Spanbauer
University of Wisconsin Education, Extension & Agriculture

Ben Farrell

Bernard Egan
Facilities and Property

Bill Pollnow
Information Systems

Bill Wingren
Emergency Management
Facilities and Property
Judicial & Public Safety

Chuck Farrey
Facilities and Property
Land Conservation

Claud Thompson
Planning & Zoning

David Albrecht
Personnel & Finance

Donald Greisbach
Emergency Management
Facilities and Property
Judicial & Public Safety

Donna Lohry
Land Conservation

Forrest Weber

Harvey Rengsdorf
Emergency Management
Judicial & Public Safety

James Koziczkowski
Facilities and Property

James Lauson
Parks & Recreation

Jeanette Diakoff
Personnel & Finance
Planning & Zoning

Jef Hall
Information Systems

Jerold Finch
Parks & Recreation

Joanne Sievert
Planning & Zoning

Joe Hotynski
Parks & Recreation
Personnel & Finance

John Schaidler
Information Systems
Personnel & Finance
Planning & Zoning

Joseph Maehl
Land Conservation
University of Wisconsin Education, Extension & Agriculture

Kathy Lennon

Kenneth Anderson

Kenneth Robl

Nancy Barker
Land Conservation
University of Wisconsin Education, Extension & Agriculture

Patrick Brennand
Information Systems
Planning & Zoning

Patrick O'Brien
Emergency Management
Judicial & Public Safety

Paul Eisen
University of Wisconsin Education, Extension & Agriculture

Robert Warnke
Land Conservation

Shiloh Ramos

Stan Kline
Personnel & Finance

Steve Arne
Parks & Recreation

Susan Locke
University of Wisconsin Education, Extension & Agriculture

Thomas Ellis
Emergency Management
Judicial & Public Safety

Thomas Widener

New Agenda is Up

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Meeting Notes - 4/18/06

My first meeting as a County Board Supervisor was last night. The highlight was definitely taking the oath of office and receiving the 'Certification of Election' (suitable for framing).

We elected Supervisor Dave Albrecht to another term as chair and Supervisor John Schaidler to Vice-Chair (also a re-election). There were no challengers and Supervisor Albrecht won by 37-0-1 and Supervisor Schaidler 38-0.

Next was a discussion of the rules under which we will operate for the next 2 years. These were submitted by Supervisor Rengstorf.

The main discussion centered around a rule that vacancies to the board must be appointed by the chair within 60 days. Because there are often no applications within this time period, there was a proposal to change the wording to 'as soon as possible.'

I spoke out against this wording. While I saw the point, I believe a time interval is a key element. I wanted wording similar to 'within 60 days if there is an applicant, or as soon as there is an applicant thereafter.'

The reason I believe that a time element in necessary is, for some budget matters, an empty seat is a 'nay' vote. Therefore, the chair could refuse to appoint someone to a position until after a vote to get that extra 'nay'.

In essence, the chair would have the power to cast multiple votes - his own as well as the no votes that would come from refusing to appoint.

It is on that principle that I feel a time limit is necessary.

The rule stood as written, because logically you cannot appoint without an applicant, so 60 days or as soon as an applicant is found after that is the same as the current wording.

After the rules were approved, the Chair appointed the Committee on Committees. These are the supervisors who work on appointing committee members. I will update this post with the committee members, but my notes are in my car and I do not want to get it wrong.

After adjournment, I requested that Chair Albrecht let me know when the Committee on Committees will meet, as I would like to attend (one of the rules we had just approved is that any Supervisor may attend any committee meeting) and learn more about the process.

This was followed by coffee, milk and cake to welcome the new supervisors. Good conversations followed!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I agree with the Northwestern here...

I hope not to have difficulty getting a committee assignment. I am lucky enough to have flex-time with work to be able to work with my schedule.

by making a concession to evening or later afternoon committee meetings, the county may attract civic- minded residents who would be able to run for a supervisory seat. County supervisors could build a lot of credibility for government at 38 seats now by shifting their meeting times to become more accessible to working men and women.

I agree with that statement, however there are other things to think about. Are there committee members that cannot drive at night to be there? Where is the best place to hold the meeting?

Hopefully, the board members will look at a balance of member's and the public's needs when assigning members and scheduling meetings.

Hopefully they do not say that the time of the meeting should dictate the members.

I am looking forward to tonight's meeting. I have found board members to be responsive and flexible. I am excited to join them.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Agenda for the April 18th, 2006 Winnebago County Board Meeting

Here is the agenda page - I will be updating this everytime we get a new pack...


Welcome to the Winnebago 17 Blog!

Here is where I will post info about the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors, opinions and agenda's. Feel free to contact me anytime and check out winnebago17.org for more information.

I will post as often as needed. Comments are encouraged.