Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The map is coming...

Here is the agenda for next weeks Judiciary meeting where it is being presented.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My biggest disapointment from the budget session...

...was the loss of the Domestic Violence Investigator.

This is a very nessasary position. Domestic violence is a growing problem in Winnebago County and our area overall.

I presented at the budget deliberations figures from for Christine Ann Center showing services have gone up anywhere from 130-190% over the same time period in 2005.

The day of one of the votes on this position, the Northwestern had an opinion piece about the two domestic violence murders Oshkosh saw last year.

And now, on the day of the next meeting we hear of another domestic violence-related murder in Ripon.

Yet, our County Board found the courage to add $170,000 to the tax rolls to add to reserves, but did not have the spine to budget $84,000 for the protection of women in our county.


Friday, November 03, 2006

A Bad Budget...

I will have a budget wrap-up post next week, after Tuesday's elections.